Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
By Sabrina M.
Hungry pigs as they could be.
For their dinner had to wait,
Down behind the garden gate.
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
Climbed the barnyard gate to see.
Peeking through the gate so high,
But no dinner could they spy.
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
Found some dinner in the tree
Then they ate it by the sea
Happy Happy as could be
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
Are about to go and ski
Then they start to disagree
When they move to Tennessee
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
They become VIP
Happy Happy as could be
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
Like to play with a bee
Then they go to the sea
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
start to drink some tea
By the sea with a flea
Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee
Sabrina M. is a Level 2 student who likes baby pigs and miniature rats.