How to play football
1 min readApr 17, 2021
By Duke R.
- Find at least 2 people to play football.
- Get a football.
- Find an open space to play football, at least 100 yds.
- Find 2 spots for the 2 end zones and the out of bounds is at the side of the field.
- Do a coin toss for who gets the ball, and who is on offense and defense.
- The defense has to kick the ball to the opposite side to the offense to start the game.
- The offense catches the ball and runs with it to the end zone.
- The offense tries to score a touchdown.
- The defense has to block the offense.
- The offense gets 4 downs to play to get closer to the end zone.
- One player on the defense has to rush the QB.
- The QB passes the ball to a receiver.
- The receiver tries to score a touchdown.
- A touchdown is worth 6 points.
- Then, you can do a PAT — point after touchdown, by kicking the ball in the goal. That is worth 1 point.
- The team that ends the game with the most points wins the game.
Duke R. is a Level 1 student who likes to play and watch football.