Five Poems
By Caden M.
Funny, nice, cool, and successful
Son of Mike and Toni
Loves nachos, football, Texas, and steak
Fears bees, narwhals, no nachos
Needs family, friends, and nachos
Who gives cold punches
Would like to go to Hawaii
Resident of Austin, Texas
Caden’s Limerick
There once was a boy named Buck
He loved to shoot duck
He cooked them up
He ate away until he threw it up
And he has a truck
Caden: Fact or Fiction?
My name is Caden
I was born in Dallas
I love nachos
I hate squishmellows
I have 50 stuffed animals
I don’t know 1+1
I have a squishmellow named brownie
My birthday is on Jan 12
My name is Caden
Drip drop I hear outside
The sound is very peaceful
Almost like an angel’s voice
Or 1,000 birds chirping
The sound I love very much
I wish I heard it every day
I want to
I want to skydive
I want to run one thousand miles
I want to go to space and see some aliens
I want to drive a car
I want to have five thousand squishmellows
I want to drive a boat
I want to eat a plane
I want to have nachos
Caden M. is a Level 1 student who likes to surf.