Five Poems
By Brooklyn J.
Brook’s Bio Poem
Playful, artistic, joyful, kind
Daughter of Lisa and Paul
Who loves drawing, acting
Who fears sharks, dolls, and clowns
Who needs pets or friends
Who gives you that warm feeling inside
Who would like to see Hawaii
Resident of Austin, TX
Belle and Charles
Belle and Charles are
Rats and they don’t talk in class
And they are not friends
Feelings Poems Sad
Some days I don’t feel good
And I can’t go to school and I love school
So it’s sad to be sick but my mom makes me happy
But I still think about school so that makes me sad again
And sometimes I even feel mad or frustrated
And I think about my friends and that makes me even sadder
And in a few minutes I realize I’m even sadder
And I try to stay positive but I still think about school
My mom tries to cheer me up
But I still feel sad and then my dad comes in
And he cheers me up a little
But then I get sad and mad again
And I try to think about something else
But I just can’t and it’s so hard to think of something else
Wind Blows
When the wind blows I hear ocean
When the wind blows I hear leaves rumbling
When the wind blows I hear birds chirping
When the wind blows I hear nature
When the wind blows I hear music to my ears
When the wind blows I hear humming birds
Brook: Fact or Fiction?
I am Brook
I love gym
I love trampolines
I love my friends
I love time
I love umbrellas
I love my bedroom
I love bird poop
I love snow
I am Brook
Brooklyn J. is a Level 1 student who loves playing tag.